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Welcome. Do you need a licensed tourist guide?

My name is Luigi Traverso.
I'm a multilingual and licensed tourist guide in Southern Italian Regions of Apulia and Basilicata (Matera).
I and my staff of very skillful collaborators are ready to offer to our clients a complete and wide set of services (see below) to experience our territory and to discover every facet of his history, of his traditions and of his nature.

We wait for you in Puglia and Basilicata (ITALY).


Tourist Services

We provide the following Tourist Services in Southern Italian Regions of Apulia and Basilicata (Matera):
Foto Luigi Traverso


Mr Luigi Traverso has graduated in Classical Literature and Archaeology from the University of Bari in 1992 with a dissertation entitled "La necropoli del Regio Tratturo di Canosa scavi del 1903, Ipogei V, X, XI" (The Necropolis of the Royal Transhumance Way of Canosa, exavations of the year 1903, chamber tombs number 5,10,11) receiving the highest score; in 1997 he has get its postgraduated degree from the Specialization School in Classical Archaeology of Lecce (receiving the highest score) with a dissertation entitled "Anfore commerciali di Età Ellenistica dal Castrum romano di Metaponto"(Commercial amphoras of Hellenistic age from the Roman Castrum of Metapontum). From 1997 he works with several tour operators as multilingual licenced tourist guide and collaborates with many cultural institutions of the province of Lecce and Taranto in the field of the educational activities for the museums and in the organization of art exhibitions. In March 2013 he has obtained from the Provinces of Bari and Matera the licences of professional tourist guide. He has written the following essays: Un insediamento dell’Età del Bronzo ad Acquarica di Lecce (Vernole), in “Studi di Antichità”, 9, 1996, 287-298. San Francesco e i suoi pittori, in “Corsivo”, VI, 12, Marzo 1999, 32-34. Salentina: un’isola di cultura ellenica tra passato e futuro, in “Euromediterraneo”, 03-08-2005.

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